A member of our congregation graced me with a copy of a book she seemed to always have her nose in the first couple of times I met her.  I noticed that she had underlined, written in the margins, and generally marked the book up like I have a tendency to do when I am reading something of deep interest to me.  I asked her about it, and she showed me the title one day.  Then she bought me a copy.  It is called, Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and Harmony by Deng Ming-Dao.  It is just what the doctor who lives within me ordered.

There is so much in “Everyday Tao” that I want to commend to you.  It refreshes my perspective on things I know and understand at a heart level that is deeper than my head.  Wisdom requires that an individual learn intellectually and then integrate that learning into their life so that they experience the teaching.  Experience is the real teacher.  Cellular memory matters.  That is wisdom.

Recently, I have been thinking a lot about the place of non-violence and non-violent principles in our individual and communal lives.  It bothers me that as I long for active non-violence in my life, I fall short of it most of the time.  But I am persistent, and I will continue this path for no other reason than it is the opposite of the violence that is prevalent today.  By the way, some of us just hear or read about the latest murders, while others of us experience those murders closer to home.

Frankly, we are strongly out of balance as individuals, as a nation, and as a world and this lack of harmony is out of order with the created cosmos as well.  Hence, all of life—even the weather and the bees—seem wonky. (Is that a word?)

So, I have been studying and learning through Pace e Bene, the international non-profit committed to a non-violent world.  It may be a large order, but then war and the various isms we live with are much more costly because they kill the spirit of the human being who was created and destined to soar.

Can you IMAGINE even one day living creatively and without violence?  What would such a day look like to you?  Can you close your eyes and visualize a day hearing a substitute for what we commonly call News? Visualize hearing of new legislation that benefits all and leaves none out?

I cannot yet do so, but I am working on it.  I believe that the energy of non-violence that I contribute to the world balances the overwhelming energy that is being distributed ad nauseum in the present moment.  What do you think?

Dee says TAO = “the Way, the Path, the Route, the Road.”  She reminds me that we are all on our paths.  Peace and All Good on your Journey.

Much Love and Many Blessings,
Freda Marie+