I’ve realized something, and it’s this:

New Year’s resolutions just don’t work for me. (I’m just curious and would love to hear if and how they work, for you? If they do, kudos!!!) As I grow older and travel around the Sun more and more, with each revolution, I am learning a bit better where to invest and focus my time and energy, and where not to. So I have accepted the fact that making a resolution or resolutions for 2025 is just not something I’m going to do. And it’s fine!!!

Instead, I’m going to try something new …

Two Sundays ago we celebrated the feast of the Epiphany. Once again, we imagined together wise ones who traveled a long distance to encounter God’s revelation in and through a child, guided by a single, bright star.

I’ve been dancing with this image, and it occurred to me that perhaps, instead of making a New Year’s resolution, I might identify a word of intention to be my own “guiding star” for 2025: a specific word of intention to help me focus my energy, to raise up in my consciousness when I feel lost or stumbling, to guide me along the way.

My word of intention — my guiding star — for 2025 is CLARITY.

Already, I am finding this to be much more helpful and effective than trying to make a new year’s resolution ever was!! Already, I have cleared away and sorted through several piles of accumulated stuff at home that had been sitting around accumulating dust for much too long. Already, I have brought to light certain relationships in my life that I want be sure to intentionally steward and nurture, and others whose season has passed. Already, in gatherings and meetings, I have raised questions and rephrased statements in order to be sure I and others understand and have clarity around what exactly is being said or decided, to help make sure everyone is on the same page moving forward.

I am curious, if this “experiment” appeals to or intrigues you? If it does, consider what your word of intention and “guiding star” will be for 2025. I invite you to write that word down on a piece of paper, cut it out in the shape of a star, and bring it with you to church this weekend to place in the offering plate. (I will also provide paper stars that you can write on, if you forget or if you decide at church that you’d like to participate.) We will decorate one of the big bulletin boards in the hall by the ramp with our stars. And if you’re not going to be in church this weekend, please feel free to bring in your star the next time you’re here and put it up on the board.

Together, guided by the light of Christ shining in and through each of us, we will find our way.
