The Children’s Ministries’ mission is to provide a loving and nurturing Christian environment in which each child can:

  • Become aware of, and feel a part of, the heritage of scripture, tradition, and worship in fresh and meaningful ways.
  • Develop a sense of being loved and accepted as a unique child of God, and a member of a community of the people of God
  • Respond in love to God, community and creation.

Click here to register for the 2023-2024 program year.


The nursery, for children under 3, is available every Sunday from 9:45 until the conclusion of the 10:00 a.m. service.

3 yrs thru 5th Grade:

Sunday School meets most Sundays during the school year at 9:45. In the summer, children are invited to attend worship and will have the opportunity to leave the service after the Collect of the Day for a story.

In our PreK, K – 1st and 2nd grade classes, the children and class leaders begin with a gathering time of prayer and then explore one of the Biblical stories from the liturgical readings for that Sunday.  We use that story as a vehicle to begin to understand the core beliefs of our faith.  After sharing an activity that reinforces the lesson of the story and thinking about how we can live out what we have learned during the coming week.  Children rejoin their families in church prior to Communion.

This year through our stories we plan to explore different themes including:

  • Loving and serving God and others
  • The power of our words for good or ill
  • We are part of God’s wonderful creation
  • We are part of the body of Christ

“Drama and Donuts” is for our 3rd, 4th and 5th grade students. These children work each week on preparing Biblical stories in dramatic form for the younger children to enjoy. They work for several sessions on creating and are scheduled to present six plays to the other classes during Sunday School throughout the year. These older children thrive in this leadership role where they engage in planning everything from the sets, props and costumes to developing a way to tell the story that will engage their audience.


Children’s programs would not happen without the help of adults and teens who offer their support as teachers, youth workers, and nursery care givers.