Nine Lessons & Carols

Come hear the Christmas story told in readings and music at our traditional service of Nine Lessons and Carols, on Sunday, December 18, 2022, at 5:00 p.m. The service will […]

Christmas Eve Services

Join us on Christmas Eve! 11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the church 4:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with pageant in the church 4:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist outside on the front lawn, […]

Recovery Eucharist

Join us as we affirm the many avenues people travel for healing (12 step programs, other support groups, counseling, spiritual practices, medical treatment), regardless of the forms of addictions we experience.  The Recovery Eucharist celebrates the gift of recovery and commends to God's care those in need of healing, who haven't yet found their way […]

Silent Movie Night: Buster Keaton in “The Navigator”

Join us for Silent Movie Night on Friday, February 3 at 7:30 p.m. Dr. Jason Roberts, a fantastic improviser from New York, will be our guest organist providing accompaniment to "The Navigator" with Buster Keaton. Popcorn and beverages will be provided. Mark your calendars and invite your friends and family to join us for a […]

Salon Concert

Join Sherrill Pantle, Sarah Bruns, and Bert Landman as they offer music of Sweelinck, Bach, Haydn, Satie, and Soler on three distinctive keyboard instruments: harpsichord, piano, and positive organ. The concert will be in a “Salon” setting in the parish hall of The Church of the Redeemer. You are invited to bring snacks and beverages […]

Ash Wednesday Services

7:30 a.m. in the chapel 12 noon in the chapel 7:30 p.m. in the church (with choir)

VOICES: Dr. Richard Bell

Dr. Richard Bell is a professor of history at the University of Maryland, College Park. Bell’s most recent book, Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped into Slavery and Their Astonishing Odyssey […]