Last night I was blessed to sit and hear (for the 3rd or 4th time) the findings of our History Committee here at Redeemer.  Having been commissioned by our Vestry to explore and investigate the relationship of The Church of the Redeemer to the institution of chattel slavery, I reflected on the depth of their work and the light it shed for us as a community of faith.  I immediately recalled the words of Jesus in the gospel of John: “If you remain in my word, you will know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” (8:31) 

I have surmised that Light and Freedom are the bookends of Truth.  Knowing reality as it exists without the equivocations and hesitancies of our desire for acceptable appearances, grants us freedom from the need to maintain a personal “truth” that keeps us comfortable, while denying that same comfort to others.

Light is a necessary component of seeing in the physical world and the same is true for the spiritual dimension of life.  As above, so below. Light reveals the truth.  Without bringing to light the factual reality of our church’s origins, we are relegated to continued darkness and are (even unconsciously) enslaved to the actions of that darkness.  The actions of that darkness can cripple in a vicious cycle of fear, guilt, and/or shame.  To own, really own the truth, however, frees us and grants us the capacity to act in ways that diminish fear, guilt, or shame for the healing and wholeness of us ALL.  With the reality of our origins brought to LIGHT, we can take in a more whole picture discerning the objective reality and where we choose to stand in relationship to it.  We can be healed.

I want to commend the work of this Committee in all its aspects:  From the actual leg work of tracking down the numerous sources, to the hours of reading documents of all shapes and sizes, to the preparation of a well-planned, well presented and more complete story of the Church of the Redeemer to date.  They may not say it, but I believe this was a work of love.

Love is the most potent and freeing force of the Universe.  Most assuredly, I thank them for dealing with this work—day after day after day (and nights, too).  I am grateful for the love that allowed them to endure the emotional, psychological, and spiritual toll it must have taken on them and perhaps their families as well.

At the close of last night, we thanked GOD for the Light shed and for the grace of receptivity and freedom to live into who we truly are. Our true identity is Christ…not the person of Jesus, but the consciousness of him as the Christ; the realization that we are a part of something much bigger than our immediate senses can convey.  As within, so without.  We are a part of G-D and carry the god-like powers of love, truth, compassion, and mercy within us. Through it all—we are ONE.

Thank you, David, Raynor, Ruthie, Patti, Margaret, Steve, Amanda, Christina, Kathy, Doug, Lucy, Anne, and Keri.

We love you, too!
Freda Marie+