We, you and I as human beings, are more of a mystery than we could ever know.  There are other dimensions of our humanity of which we are often unaware.  “Ignorance does not always equal bliss,” if it ever did.  Most of us think of healing as a physical or psychological “thing.”  I know because I used to think that way myself.  Now, I know there is way more to be-ing human than meets the eye.

Take forgiveness, for example.  No matter how often I would say, “I forgive you” and sincerely mean it, my ability to forget and move forward was usually difficult and almost impossible.  When I was feeling particularly low, for whatever reason, the old forgiven situation would rise from the ashes of my memory to settle back in again.  Recently, though, I’ve learned something new and want to share it with you.

Sometimes our unforgiveness of “the other” is strongly, but unconsciously linked to unforgiveness of ourselves.  We were hurt or humiliated or whatever-the-case-may-be because we forgot the truth of our own power, the essence of our true self, and succumbed to the other’s power as power-over-us.

This unspoken, often unconscious occurrence can happen in both large and small ways.  Sometimes it takes prayerful, honest reflection to get to the crux of the matter; and that is often rooted in fear. Fear is the great crippler which imprisons the soul from being and becoming all it is meant to be.   Once I can understand the fear that drove me to respond or react in an unforgiveable manner, I can begin to let go and forgive myself and thereby allow healing to take root within my soul.

Forgiving myself is the first step towards forgiving the other.  Once I can forgive myself, I can see them for who and what they truly are: another human being…just like me—learning, falling, failing and starting over again in Earth School.  Consider the toddler who is developing their balance and finding their legs can carry them where they want to go but only with an occasional fall or misstep along the way.

Forgiveness comes in many forms and is unique to each one of us and to our individual situations.  Only we and the DIVINE ONE within us really know all the roads into and out of our hurt, humiliation, or pain.  If you find yourself unable to forgive, ask for HELP.  That ONE within you is ready to empower you from your fear and unforgiveness of self into the TRUE YOU!  We were created to be at PEACE within which then flows out into the rest of the world.

With Prayers for Peace & Self-forgiveness,
Freda Marie+