Have you ever made plans to do something important and some piece of the plan, namely another person, fails to play their part in your plan?  Even as I write this I am smiling to myself.  How often do we say that we are not God, yet act as if we are?

After taking a full day off for this one issue I had been working on for two months I discovered to my chagrin that my friend, Gregg, had not stepped up to the plate.  Now I don’t know about you, but when things are not going my way I can become an extremely intense and challenging woman.  So as I began to move into a “funk,” I remembered a new spiritual practice I had thought about attempting in a particularly trying moment like this one.

Being in a funk may feel good initially, but frankly I am no longer a low-density kind of person and acting angry, morose, and petulant accomplishes nothing for my soul.  Yes, I can tell when my feelings are out of concert with the true me; the Soul me or the Soul that I AM.          So, my experiment was to remind myself of who I am, what I am, and how I serve in LIFE.  At this stage of the game, outside in the heating waiting on Gregg who is not showing up—what else am I going to do?

After other members of my unsuccessful party had driven off, I promptly sat on a stoop of the building in SILENCE.  While sitting this way and simply observing cars and people, buildings and the sky, heat and the sounds of LIFE around me, a feeling of blessedness arose and right behind it— gratitude.  It felt good and not at all like the funk of just a few minutes past.  I then verbalized my truth I AM that to everything I was experiencing.  This brought me to an immediate inner peace and feeling of “rightness” about the moment I was in —including everything that had brought me to that particular moment.

As I left to return home, I surmised that I may not have accomplished the plan of the day, and so what?  The world did not stop turning, nor did the sky fall.  I am one with the Creator of the Cosmos; we all are and that is enough!  So, what have you been experimenting with this summer?

Still Smiling with Love,
Freda Marie+