I was ordained to the priesthood on the Feast of the Annunciation at the beautiful Church of the Annunciation in the Diocese of Dallas almost 14 years ago.  So, various artists’ paintings of the Annunciation have held special meaning for me of Our Mother’s encounter with the Divine since that time.  Imagine my shock, however, when I discovered that the one I was so powerfully drawn to and had meditated upon many times was actually painted by a Black man. I NEVER knew…and I’ll bet you didn’t either.

In 1898, Henry Osswana Tanner completed the image here that is currently displayed at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.  Born in Pittsburgh to a father who was a pastor and a mother who was formerly enslaved, Tanner, as an artist, sold and became known for several non-religious paintings before making religious art his primary passion.  After a visit to the Middle East, including Egypt and Palestine, he returned to paint the image here.

I LOVE this image.  Mary is so-o young and innocent here.  Her clasped hands and demure half-look at the numinous energy appearing before her make her appear beautifully fragile with a sense of “Are you sure?” or “Oh my….” simultaneously.

Yet, from the biblical story, we know she had only two things to say.  First, “How can this be?” and then, “Let it be….”

The angel Gabriel doesn’t appear with the typical angel wings either.  Gabriel is first and foremost light—pure, unadulterated, white light.  It has been said that Mr. Tanner had a gift for his use of light and color.  I feel as if I am in this room of Mary’s, perhaps in a corner, hearing the words she heard for the first time, too.

We are preparing to celebrate unmanifested Be-ing choosing to become manifested (or expressed) in and through its Creation.  The beauty of what we commonly call The INCARNATION is our own invitation to allow the birth of the DIVINE within us.

As far as I am concerned, we are each Mary, and we are each given the opportunity to say, “Let it be…” to all that G-D desires to reveal in and through us.  Indeed, Richard Rohr has said that Mary’s “yes” is to G-D’s request to be present in and to the world through us.”  It is time to stop struggling and to trust and surrender.  I’m excited at the possibilities of G-D in and through me. What about you?  Are you ready?

Christ-mass Love & Peace,
Freda Marie+